Friday, May 24, 2013

Identify - Retina Ready Portfolio, Resume, Blog.

Identify - Retina Ready Portfolio, Resume, Blog. - Portfolio Creative

Identify is a theme perfect for professionals who want showcase their work, such as designers and developers. The beautiful ajax powered portfolio is great to show your most important work to your visitors.

Latest Update – v1.0.3 – March 11th, 2013

You can find all details at the bottom of this page.

Responsive Design and Retina Ready

Your visitors, which visit your site on mobile devices, will get an optimised version for their device. Also it’s retina ready, Identify is gorgeous on those displays.

Post Formats

It supports post formats for the blog. You can add a quote, video, link, gallery or just a normal blog post to spice it up a little bit!

Retina Ready

Ajaxified Portfolio

Show Your Skills

Show Your Work Experience

Awesome Blog

Powerful Theme Options

Theme Features

  • Support for Retina Displays.

  • Portfolio Posts Loaded with AJAX. (on/off)

  • Responsive Design (Optimised for mobile devices).

  • Easy Font and Color Change (WP Customiser).

  • About Me Template for Resume and CV.

  • Powerful Theme Options Panel.

  • Page Templates (Full Width, Sidebar Left/Right, About Me).

  • Full Localisation Support (.po/.mo files).

  • WordPress 3.3+ Ready

  • Demo Content Included.

  • Layered PSD for Customisation

  • Extensive Documentation


We’ve added some awesome features to Identify. Those featured can be totally controlled with the Theme Options panel. You can enable/disable the AJAX feature, set how many posts need to be showed (blog/portfolio), show/hide title/categories/thumbnail for portfolio blog. You can even add custom code so you don’t need to edit the theme files when you need to change something to your needs. This is just a quick overview, there are a lot of handy features in Identify.


We appreciate you’ve bought one of our items! If you have any trouble or just have a question about it. Please leave a comment in the comments section of this theme. We’ll get in touch as soon as possible.

Retina Ready

Identify Updates

Identify v1.0.3 – March 11th, 2013

  • - FIX – Project filtering bug. When there are more than 3 rows of projects the layout gets messed up.

  • - FIX – Contact form labels weren’t localized

  • - FIX – Bugs with the ajax feature for projects. The responsive videos weren’t working and some elements as well (toggles, accordion…)

  • - FIX – Bug with skills animation when projects filtered before the skills are animated

  • - NEW – Option to change the projects slug (Theme Options -> Portfolio)

  • - NEW – Social links added in footer (Theme Options -> Social)

  • - NEW – About author section for blog posts (Theme Options -> Blog)

  • - NEW – Excluding projects from main portfolio page (adding a tag excluded to the project)

Identify v1.0.2 – Feb 7th, 2013

  • Option for projects to have a custom link instead of linking to the project page (on homepage and portfolio page, when ajax feature disabled).

  • Minor improvements and fixes to responsive feature (tablet and mobile)

  • Minor bugs fixed

Identify v1.0.1 – Jan 25th, 2013

  • Option to turn on filters for featured projects on homepage (Theme Options -> Homepage -> Featured Projects – Filters)

  • Close button added to the ajax portfolio projects feature

  • Portfolio projects can now have a video (embed) instead of an image. (Bellow the WYSIWYG editor there is a textarea for the embed).

  • Additional style for portfolio projects filtering added, animated style (Theme Options -> Homepage -> Featured Projects – Filter Style and Theme Options -> Portfolio -> Listing – Filter Style)

  • Minor bugs fixed

Identify v1.0.0 – Jan 22th, 2013
  • ** Initial Release *

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